Rein Reitsma: cutting, folding, bending, melting, weaving – crafting in a way

Mo, 29.5.2023, 19.00 – 21.00 Uhr

Hochschule Düsseldorf,
Gebäude 6, Raum 1.055

Working inbetween the fields of product design and art, Rein patiently plays and crafts, and presents objects.

“… I tend to describe what I do as cutting, folding, bending, melting, weaving — crafting in a way. Because I believe the DIY-process is an important step even when I’m designing a product. Not only does it show me how something works, and makes me understand why something doesn’t work. Most of all, I do interesting, unexpected, discoveries and learn to keep thinking in alternatives. That’s why I’m eager to keep learning and to keep getting surprised by the process of making.”

Rein Reitsma (1991) graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam in 2015 and has since been working on playful, straightforward products and artworks both autonomously and on demand. The former intern of Chris Kabel seems to have inherited their intuitive, contextual approach to design — his solutions often employ existing materials in surprising ways. It is for this reason that Rein particularly enjoys cooperations with furniture labels and design research organisations. From concepts up to products on commission Rein’s work is described playfull, easy to understand and to often set up a smile.


The lecture is in english.